Alternatives To Association Benefit Plans
Your employees deserve the best coverage avaliable at an affordable price. Employee Benefit Partners is a leader in designing quality benefit packages that address the needs of your business and employees. Through a strategic group health benefits evaluation, we will help you find the group health plan that meets your needs.

The issue with Association Plans:


Limited time to shop your benefits - 2 weeks to decide to renew one of your biggest expenses isn't fair to the company, employees and families that foot the bill.
Dirty pool - Over time AHPs lose the healthy companies and what's left is an Association of High Risk small companies.
0 Data reporting - The association plan gives no data to the group to help decide if the plans are a good fit for employees - data such as claims usage, out of network status, formulary usage, etc.
No surplus refund - Self funded, Graded Funded, Level Funded and now even some Fully Insured plans offer a refund of surplus claims accounts. We've seen refunds as high as $70,000 for a group of less than 50.
Geography - where the association plan is domiciled effects the premiums, midwest states often have lower premiums than coastal state, simply because cost of care is lower in Rural areas vs urban east-coast.
Your business is made up of talented individuals who give your company an edge over the competition. By offering a competitive benefits package, you will retain your most quality employees and attract even more to your organization.